Know in Detail About Energy Orgasm and Sex Therapy
What is Energy Orgasm?
With the changing era and increasing sexual desires, the meaning of orgasm is changing. Various new sexual practices are emerging in order to attain an unlimited number of orgasms in a day. One can achieve full body orgasm with a partner or alone. According to the best sex therapist in Durban, the major difference between normal peak orgasm and full body energy orgasm experience is that the normal peak orgasm limits the pleasure to the sexual organs, whereas the full body orgasm is a feeling that runs throughout the body, i.e. the pleasure is not restricted to any organ or area of the body. A person feels upbeat and more energetic after a full body orgasm. A normal orgasm lasts for 5-20 seconds, whereas an energy orgasm can last much longer and is more pleasurable.
How to Begin with Full Body Orgasm?
• Ensure free flow of energy, i.e. releasing energy blocks.
• Not letting external thoughts affect inner peace.
• Practice yoga asanas which include breathing practices (e.g. Pranayama).
• Controlling your thoughts because energy follows thoughts.
• Meditation can also help in attaining focused thoughts and energy.
• Seek the help of a sex therapist in Durban for a detailed plan of exercises and steps in order to reach full body orgasm.
What is Premature Ejaculation?
Orgasm or ejaculation of semen before or shortly after sexual intercourse or activity is called premature ejaculation. Many men are embarrassed about the feeling that they have ejaculated too quickly, which leads to the sexual discomfort of both the partners. Premature ejaculation can occur due to hyperthyroidism, excess stress, relationship problems, depression, erectile dysfunction, etc. Symptoms of premature ejaculation may include weight loss, anxiety, erectile dysfunction, difficulty in erection or maintaining the erection, impotence, etc. Biological causes such as varying hormone levels, thyroid issues, infection in the prostate, etc. also cause the problem of premature ejaculation. Various premature ejaculation solutions are nowadays available, so one should seek the therapist as soon as possible.
Premature Ejaculation Solutions
• One should get himself checked by a physician if he encounters premature ejaculation often.
• Psychological therapy is one of the premature ejaculation solutions.
• Medical therapy, as prescribed by the doctor.
• Start masturbating 3-5 times a week.
• Using condoms during sexual intercourse also delay ejaculation as condoms reduce sensitivity.
• Building control while masturbating till the peak and then releasing the penis when you feel that you are about to ejaculate. This is known as the ‘pause squeeze technique’.
• Practice Kegel exercises as they are found to be effective in delaying the orgasm.
• Pelvic floor exercises are also a good practice to delay orgasm and ejaculation.
• If one feels stressed all the time, he should seek counseling from a psychologist as stress and anxiety are some causes of premature ejaculation. A relationship or sex therapist may also help for the same.
• Various anesthetic sprays and creams are also available in the market. These creams make the head of the penis less sensitive. One should apply the cream or spray for about 30 minutes and then wash it off before having sexual intercourse.
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